May 30, 2020. Professor Adnan Zulfiqar presented his paper at the Law and Society Association conference, entitled “Rules of Resistance: Jihad, Colonialism, and the Revolutionary Order.” He starts from the perspective that Islamic legal historians generally agree on colonialism’s disruptive effect on Muslim institutions and entities that organized Muslim life. While non-state actors played a … Continue reading Prof. Zulfiqar presents “Rules of Resistance: Jihad, Colonialism, and the Revolutionary Order”…
Month: May 2020
Professor Todd Clear Advised Montana State Legislature
May 29, 2020. Professor Clear presented a talk, “Jail Data, Risk Assessment, and Local Research,” to the Law and Justice Interim Committee of the Montana State Legislature.
Prof. Steve Gold publishes book chapter “Changing the Focus of Scientific Uncertainty”
May 15, 2020. Professor Steve Gold’s book chapter is now published in Concilier la Securite des Produits et la Responsabilite Civile a l’Ere du Risque et de l’Incertitude [Reconciling Product Safety and Civil Liability in an Era of Risk and Uncertainty], Actes d’un Colloque au Lac Sacacomie [Proceedings of a Conference at Lake Sacacomie] (Lara … Continue reading Prof. Steve Gold publishes book chapter “Changing the Focus of Scientific Uncertainty”…
Prof. Suzanne Kim to publish essay, Mothering Title IX in Harvard Journal of Law and Gender (online), in spring 2020
May 18, 2020. Professor Suzanne A. Kim’s essay, Mothering Title IX is forthcoming this spring in the Harvard Journal of Law & Gender. Suzanne A. Kim, __ HARV. J. LAW & GENDER (online) __(forthcoming 2020).
Professor Sandra Simkins publishes article, “The ‘Pink Ghettos’ of Public Interest Law: An Open Secret”
May 1, 2020. Professor Sandra Simkins publishes new article, The “Pink Ghettos” of Public Interest Law: An Open Secret Buffalo Law Review, Vol.68, No.3.