Prof. Cymie Payne on Constituting the Value of the Environment, at the Constitutions of Value Exploratory Workshop, University of Würzburg

December 13, 2019.  Professor Payne presented a paper in Germany at the University of Wurzburg.  She argues that in the context of a multi-disciplinary exploration of the constitution of value by law, the environment has been analyzed as property, as something that can be dissected into ecosystem services which can then be monetized, and as … Continue reading Prof. Cymie Payne on Constituting the Value of the Environment, at the Constitutions of Value Exploratory Workshop, University of Würzburg

Prof. Cymie Payne publishes article, New Law for the High Seas

December 31, 2019.  Professor Payne published this new article in 46 Ecology Law Quarterly 191/37 Berkeley Journal of International Law 345 (2019).  In it she contends that the design of a new treaty for conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in the ocean space that lies more than two hundred nautical miles offshore (BBNJ), requires … Continue reading Prof. Cymie Payne publishes article, New Law for the High Seas

Prof. Meredith Schalick provides training about expungement law

October 24, 2019.  Meredith L. Schalick provided a training to attorneys about the process to expunge a criminal record in New Jersey. The attorneys in attendance agreed to take a pro bono case from South Jersey Legal Services to represent a person seeking an expungement.